Hot Science Talk Cast: The Roving Search for Life on Mars LIVE 18 Oct @7pm

Anon E. MooseEnvironment, Mysteries and Discoveries

If you have ever been curious about the exploration of other worlds and the possibility of  life on Mars (or wonder what Curiosity does when on furlough), this is the perfect opportunity for you to meet Dr. John Grotzinger, NASA’s lead scientist for the Curiosity mission. So add this upcoming Hot Science Cool Talks to your calendar, because they only happen three times each regular semester at UT Austin; brought to you by the Environmental Science Institute. If for some reason you aren’t lucky enough to be in Austin, you can join in the discussion through the LIVE web-cast starting at 7pm CST!

Talk Location: UT Campus, Welch Hall (WEL) Auditorium

Schedule: Friday, October 18, 2013
– 5:45-7pm: Pre-lecture Fair
– 7-8:15pm: Lecture


Welch Hall (WEL) is located at the intersection of Speedway, and 24th St. on UT’s Campus in Austin TX. Click here for a parking map and other details.

via The Roving Search for Life on Mars – Environmental Science Institute.