A historic art studio and culture center at the heart of a community is lost. Through eminent domain, Austin Capital METRO has seized the Pine Steet Station, which was not only the studio owned and operated by glass artist Regi Thomas, but the home of innumerable events, artistic exhibits, and local interactivity.
“Capital Metro intends to develop the property with Endeavor, the group behind north Austin’s Domain.”
“My friend for more than 40 years, few will understand what an impact Reji Thomas ‘s little studio had on an area of Austin where no one wanted to be. She helped shape East Austin, the Austin art scene and the dreams of MANY artists. Eventually, Reji will probably be recognized as one of America’s most talented glass artists of the 20th Century. Of all the places in this country, one would have hoped that Austin would have not only left her in her studio but also made it an historical treasure.”D. Womack