As much as I love the forum of ideas and sharing that such conferences as TED and D11 portray, there have been a few pretty compellingly creepy presentations. From microchipping rebellious youths with tattoos, creating cyborgs, nanobots operating human consciousness, to the innovation of hummingbird drones, there is a dizzying spectrum of technological activity apace. Miguel Nicolelis, a neuroscientist carrying out experiments on monkeys with the enthusiasm/morals of a child, gave another such talk on his life’s work–Brain to Brain Communication. The REALLY interesting parts come towards the end of the talk. You really have to filter out the objective framing and boring rhetoric, and really think about the implications of what he is describing. Then submit your 3 page, double spaced paper with 12 point font and 1 inch borders by Saturday at 3:33pm… Don’t forget to restate Miguel”I’m just a scientist”‘s findings in your own words.
And watch this daily show segment with Miguel.